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Listen to Me: Buddy Holly

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Listen to Me: Buddy Holly Empty Listen to Me: Buddy Holly

Post by andrew666 Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:10 pm

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Buddy Holly's birth, a compilation of new covers of his songs has been released - "Listen to Me: Buddy Holly"

“We are trying to keep Buddy Holly’s name alive so younger generations can appreciate it the way I do,” says Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. Other tracks come from Ringo Starr, Stevie Nicks, Lyle Lovett and Cobra Starship.

An earlier album was released in June - "Rave On Buddy Holly" with covers from Paul McCartney, The Black Keys and She & Him:

If that weren't enough, another album from Paul Burch & WPA Ballclub’s “Words of Love: Songs of Buddy Holly" is also available:


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