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Halo whitewall paint.

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Halo whitewall paint.  Empty Halo whitewall paint.

Post by Harry Palms Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:17 pm

The missus bought some Halo paint recently and it doesn't stick to the freakin tyre, now i'm no novice to painting tyres (painted fccools first set in 97),plus i've been doing them on my own kustoms since 92.
I've used every type of durable elasticed paint, and every one that ever peeled overtime always left lots of white residue behind but this stuff just peeled straight off leaving only the blackwall in places.
Crikey i buffed out the tyres sidewall 1000 klm's ago so they could dry out , did my usual preperation/application and even let em sit between coats two days and didn't use em for 2weeks so they could cure. But i knew something was sus when they dried to a off white colour.
Then i drove 3klm to work only to find em buggered (shoulda done that late night banzai run) so i split home to change em and after 6klm at least 60% of each tyres sidewall paint had let go. Think i might go for portawalls next time.

Harry Palms

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Halo whitewall paint.  Empty Re: Halo whitewall paint.

Post by mudflap Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:34 am

who uses what?

I'm keen to give the Wagon the DIY white wall treatment

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Halo whitewall paint.  Empty Re: Halo whitewall paint.

Post by falzoony Wed Feb 09, 2011 9:36 am

I bought some from Kat over a year ago, I haven't put any on the tyres on my car but I painted one old tyre and its been sitting behind my shed exposed to all sorts of weather and it still seems fine.
Send her a PM she might still sell it.

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