Rockabilly Barbie - She's A Doll!
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Rockabilly Barbie - She's A Doll!
Recently came across Rockabilly Barbie:
What do we think of that?
Or if you prefer to move a bit more upmarket, you can buy a copy of the gorgeous Priscilla Barbie from Graceland:
Some might argue that Barbie even began as a rockabilly babe - the original 1959 version looking decidedly raunchy and based on a near-the-knuckle German cartoon from the newspaper Bild called Lilli, which was also available as a doll in Deutschland:
That's Barbie on the left = and her pal Lilli on the right
Amongst my favourite Barbies are still Risso, Cha Cha and Frenchie from Grease:
Although Sandy Barbie has a certain something...... I'm not sure I should be getting these strange inexplicable feelings over a piece of moulded plastic....
What do we think of that?
Or if you prefer to move a bit more upmarket, you can buy a copy of the gorgeous Priscilla Barbie from Graceland:
Some might argue that Barbie even began as a rockabilly babe - the original 1959 version looking decidedly raunchy and based on a near-the-knuckle German cartoon from the newspaper Bild called Lilli, which was also available as a doll in Deutschland:
That's Barbie on the left = and her pal Lilli on the right
Amongst my favourite Barbies are still Risso, Cha Cha and Frenchie from Grease:
Although Sandy Barbie has a certain something...... I'm not sure I should be getting these strange inexplicable feelings over a piece of moulded plastic....
andrew666- Number of posts : 266
Reputation : 4
Points : 700
Registration date : 2010-08-30
Rockabilly Barbie
Thats the barbie, Pat Day from the Horrorpops sued Mattel over
troubleinparadise- Number of posts : 1
Age : 57
Location : Sydney
Reputation : 0
Points : 1
Registration date : 2011-03-17
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