Rockabilly & Kustom Kulture Australia
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i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here

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i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here Empty i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here

Post by My Little Rockabilly Kat Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:16 pm

Hi All, (if your interested in anything call me or private message me)
I am selling my brown suede lounge suite i bought this from myers 9 months ago for $1800 sure i would have the reciepts somewhere..
It is extremly soft and since living on the gold coast with my parents it really hasnt been used (just covered and protected with blankets)
It can be used as a day bed all the pillows can be taken off and its big enough for an adult or 2 kids.. the bits snap apart to create 2 seperate lounges and snap back with a clip to create has no marks its not damaged in any way it has been well looked after but i must sell it along with more furniture which i will list soon. you can call me on 0448 168 817 to have a look at it.
i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here DSC_5810
My double bass is just sitting there for i havent been able to find someone to teach me..but if you want me out Shocked I paid $1200 for it just before i left byron so 9 months ago..
i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here DSC_5816
playstation one with all the games i only want like 35 bucks or something?
i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here DSC_5817
my keyboard- because i want an old antique piano someday..
i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here DSC_5820
yeh i was given know who she is
i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here DSC_5819
cool antique chair
i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here DSC_5813

i gotta sell my stuff so i can get outta here DSC_5815
bounce cherry
My Little Rockabilly Kat
My Little Rockabilly Kat

Number of posts : 680
Age : 34
Location : Brisbane soon melbourne! yay
Reputation : 4
Points : 523
Registration date : 2008-10-23

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