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Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition

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Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition Empty Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition

Post by andrew666 Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:26 am

The temperature is racking up for the Miss Pin-Up Australian competition. Remember there are six categories this year - Miss Perfect, Miss Illustrated, Miss Classic, Miss Va-Va Voom, Miss Popularity and Mr Pinup.

Entries are closed for this year, but be sure to enter for next year's competition in April 2012. Miss Popularity, by the way, is the online competition and you can choose your favourite by going to the Miss Pinup website and looking through each of the State listings until you find the one you like the best:

Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition Lila_Luyx3
Miss Lila Luxx is in the Miss Perfect category

Meanwhile, according to Joye McLaughlin, aka Elsie van Elke, "Red lips are very important; curls are a constant and curves are a must for a pin-up girl."
Elsie will be competing in the Miss Classic category at the Victoria finals in November.

Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition Elsie_Van_Elke2
Elsie Van Elke is vying for Miss Classic

“I think that’s what’s really great about pinup," she says, "is that it embraces women of all shapes. It’s all about being sexy, but not necessarily revealing,” the Moonee Ponds girl adds.

Elsie has always loved films of the 50s era and admired the confidence of pin-ups such as Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield and Jane Russell.

Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition Art_Frenchie-Fine1-420x0
Miss Frenchie Fine - another Miss Perfect competitor


Number of posts : 266
Reputation : 4
Points : 700
Registration date : 2010-08-30

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Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition Empty Re: Elsie Van Elke - Miss Pin-up Australia Competition

Post by Scratchbuilt Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:19 pm



Number of posts : 39
Reputation : 0
Points : 41
Registration date : 2011-02-23

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