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Bunni Lambada prepares for Miss Australia

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Bunni Lambada prepares for Miss Australia Empty Bunni Lambada prepares for Miss Australia

Post by andrew666 Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:51 pm

Pin-up artist Bunni Lambada, real name Emma Buxton, is getting excited preparing for the Miss Australia Pin-Up contest on the Gold Coast in January, having won her regional final as Miss Perfect Pinup NSW. “It was great to win under my pin-up name Bunni Lambada,” Emma says, “There were lots of beautiful girls in attendance and it was a real treat to get a sash and prizes. Now I’m updating several outfits before the finals.”

Bunni Lambada prepares for Miss Australia Bunni%20Lambada%202

The Macquarrie University graduate is a lawyer by day and a pole dancer by night. “I’ve really taken to pole dancing because it’s quite athletic,” she says.

I couldn't agree more.


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