Rockabilly & Kustom Kulture Australia
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Treat your Follicles

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Treat your Follicles Empty Treat your Follicles

Post by andrew666 Tue May 31, 2011 8:08 pm

For a uniquely male experience, you need to check out Dr Follicles, a barber on Barkly Street, in St Kilda, Melbourne. It's become an institution offering male clients a complimentary beer while they have their hair cut and/or face shaved.

With its rockabilly sensibilities and retro music, Dr Follicles caters to Melbourne's well-styled men. Give your hair a treat. The music is played on vinyl and played loud enough to make it seem as though you’re at a friend’s house and they’re playing you a new record for the first time.

Treat your Follicles %5B2010-2-5%2BDr.Follicles

The camaraderie of sitting in a row behind the chairs with the other patrons waiting for your turn (this goes hand in hand with the bar-like etiquette of pointing out who was before you in the queue). There are, of course, no appointments.

Yes, this is what you want in a haircut.


Number of posts : 266
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Registration date : 2010-08-30

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Treat your Follicles Empty Re: Treat your Follicles

Post by Scratchbuilt Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:50 am

I go to the local saddlery, he makes leather goods for the farm industry, he's also a local cockie.

He's an old time Barber who knows all of the old styles, his shop has bulk charactor in it that matches his older clientele.
Some of em could pass for older Greasers and bet a few were at some stage of there lives. The day he retires is the day i'll regret, nobody can give you a trim job around here like Sharpie.


Number of posts : 39
Reputation : 0
Points : 41
Registration date : 2011-02-23

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