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Dirty Beaches

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Dirty Beaches Empty Dirty Beaches

Post by andrew666 Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:51 am

Taiwanese-born Dirty Beaches has become the latest rockabilly pin-up boy for kittens everywhere:

Dirty Beaches Dirty-beaches-1300573847

Real name Alex Zhang Hungtai, he was the star sensation at the recent SXSW music festival in Austin.

"Are you guys in the mood for a fast one or a slow one?" he asked, drawing the audience into developing his show on their terms.

After knocking the audience dead with a chain of rapid-fire minimalist rockabilly like a young Elvis on amphetamines, he then made the audience stand and stare with his final piece - 'Lord Knows Best,' a Lynchian version of the Righteous Brothers' 'Unchained Melody.'


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