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Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop

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Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop Empty Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop

Post by andrew666 Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:17 am

Katy Perry, currently on tour in the UK, was asked about the influences on her unique fashion sense:

Q: Has your style changed since you became famous?
KATY: “When I first started playing around with my look, it was more of a Dita Von Teese pinup thing. But the burlesque look is too high maintenance. Dita’s really dedicated.”

Q: How would you describe your style?
KATY: I say it’s rockabilly chic. I was obsessed by the whole swing-dancing, lindy hop scene. It was totally different from anything I’d seen or anything that was going on so I made it my own with cute skirts and mini dresses”

Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop Katy_perry


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Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop Empty Re: Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop

Post by falzoony Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:46 am

She does always seem to have had old school influences you have just confirmed it! She also seems to put fruit in her clothing somehow.

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Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop Empty Re: Katy Perry Loves Lindy Hop

Post by Scratchbuilt Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:47 pm

she's cute.


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