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Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar

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Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar Empty Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar

Post by andrew666 Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:11 am

Joanne “Miss Legs La More” Legh and Tegan “Miss Cherry Von Sinner” Corbett are joining nine others to create a 50s pin-up calendar for a local palliative care unit in Rockhampton.

Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar Vintage+betty
Lisa Jack

Lisa Jack, the owner of Vintage Bettie in Rockhampton, says she wants to create the calendar after having to nurse her mother-in-law through a terminal illness recently. “At the same time my girlfriend lost her breast to breast cancer so I spent a lot of time at the palliative care unit and saw just how much these nurses do,” she explains.

Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar Andreaastrocarnabyscoot
Vintage Bettie

The girls involved in the calendar took part in a pin-up parade in November and that suddenly gave Lisa the inspiration for the calendar. “We're hoping local businesses may be able to help out by becoming sponsors and in return advertising their business,” Lisa says, “Our goal is to raise $5000 to have the calendar created as a first step.”

She then hopes that sales from the calendar would support Rockhampton Hospital.

Lisa is comfortable with using women with a fuller figure. "Women deserve appreciation no matter what size they are," she says. You can find the Vintage Bettie store here:


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Registration date : 2010-08-30

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Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar Empty Re: Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar

Post by mudflap Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:36 am

checked out the site love the idea

love to see a few FF pin ups as well

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Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar Empty Re: Queensland Charity Pin-Up Calendar

Post by Fertinphotography Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:10 am


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