Rockabilly & Kustom Kulture Australia
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Great opportunity to buy some cool vintage gear – nation wide garage sale day, April 10

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Great opportunity to buy some cool vintage gear – nation wide garage sale day, April 10 Empty Great opportunity to buy some cool vintage gear – nation wide garage sale day, April 10

Post by hewey Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:07 am

Hey, I thought people might be interested in the Garage Sale Trail which is taking place on April 10. Basically it’s a national day of coordinated garage sales taking place across the country. People register online (for free) and give a basic description of the kind of stuff they’re selling, so people can work out which ones they reckon are worth visiting. They did a small trial last year in Bondi and it looked pretty cool, lots of place selling cool sounding vintage gear and people having a bit of fun with it. This year they’re expanding it to be even bigger, and the concept is great so I can see it getting even bigger in future years. More info and a map of the sales is at cheers

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