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Cortina Rat Rod

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Cortina Rat Rod Empty Cortina Rat Rod

Post by neale Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:25 pm

Hi everyone,

Just a newbie to this scene but always loved old cars, rock & roll and the rustic look of rat rods.

So for something different Ive decided to create a rat rod out of a 1969 cortina that was lying around the backyard that has some potential.

Just wanted to ask the experts on what you guys think she needs to look the part.

so far the checklist is

minor surface Rust - tick
Long gangly floorshift - tick
metal front window sun visor - tick
bench seat - tick
whitewalls - needed
8 ball gearstick nob - needed
venetians - needed
Lowerd -needed

Here are some pics
Cortina Rat Rod PC280035
Cortina Rat Rod PC280027
Cortina Rat Rod 5734_126420761263_616866263_3110485_1724756_n


Number of posts : 7
Age : 40
Location : Bathurst, NSW
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Points : 9
Registration date : 2011-01-06

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Cortina Rat Rod Empty Re: Cortina Rat Rod

Post by The Zed Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:55 am

10 cans of matt black
Mexican Blankets
Triple Carbs
Only Two Doors

Cheers The Zed..............................
The Zed
The Zed

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Cortina Rat Rod Empty Re: Cortina Rat Rod

Post by PaulG Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:37 am

Cooool car man!!!! But id loose the rat rod idea and go barn fresh!!!
Dont paint it!!!!
Defiantly no white walls! Go the thin red wall like on the early muscle cars.
lower- yes
Venetians- yes
Ive seen too many people try and do the rat rod look on these later style cars and it looks so wrong imo.

Paul Very Happy


Number of posts : 187
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Registration date : 2009-01-14

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Cortina Rat Rod Empty Re: Cortina Rat Rod

Post by hewey Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:15 am

Love the early girl Cortinas! Just slam it and slap on some whitewalls and drive the wheels off it.

Heres some cortina rats for inspiration
Cortina Rat Rod PatinaCortina06
Cortina Rat Rod Dynarat
Cortina Rat Rod 2009830213741_Carpark%20front%20small

Number of posts : 412
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Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Cortina Rat Rod Empty Re: Cortina Rat Rod

Post by neale Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:03 am

PaulG wrote:Cooool car man!!!! But id loose the rat rod idea and go barn fresh!!!
Dont paint it!!!!
Defiantly no white walls! Go the thin red wall like on the early muscle cars.
lower- yes
Venetians- yes
Ive seen too many people try and do the rat rod look on these later style cars and it looks so wrong imo.

Paul Very Happy

Cheers Paul, I think your on the money with some later style cars not looking the part of rat rods, but the barn fresh look will probably work.

The red walls may be the look too or I was possibly thinking a thin whitewall too as I was reading through the owners manual that was still in the glovebox & it tells you about how to look after the factory option whitewalls. Heres a pic of a factory fresh one with them. What do you think??
Cortina Rat Rod Tumblr_ks5moeP12u1qaneqlo1_400

Id love the 2 doors Zed but sadly shes a 4 door, but on the upside its easier to get to the backseat. I may get some twin side draught webbers since its already a GT spec motor with a lumpy cam, but tripples on a 4 cyl will probably flood it.

cheers for the inspiration pics hewy, Also here are a couple of the more barn fresh look style ones
Cortina Rat Rod 20105454126_P260110_13_22
Cortina Rat Rod 1-1

Number of posts : 7
Age : 40
Location : Bathurst, NSW
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Points : 9
Registration date : 2011-01-06

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Cortina Rat Rod Empty Re: Cortina Rat Rod

Post by PaulG Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:14 pm

Cool as! How sweet is that blue one, low is good!!!


Number of posts : 187
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Points : 154
Registration date : 2009-01-14

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Cortina Rat Rod Empty Re: Cortina Rat Rod

Post by mudflap Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:31 am

Cortina Rat Rod 2009830213741_Carpark%20front%20small

This is a bit of me Smile

Hey Paul note the hubcaps Wink

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