Rockabilly & Kustom Kulture Australia
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Looking for hot rods and kustoms for photoshoots in Melbourne

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Looking for hot rods and kustoms for photoshoots in Melbourne Empty Looking for hot rods and kustoms for photoshoots in Melbourne

Post by 57buick Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:28 am

hey guys & girls,
I go to a lot of the Melbourne car shows and take pics which I then upload to Flickr. I am regularly at the peninsula cruise nights as well.
What I am after is some owners of hot rods, customs, classics that live in Melbourne and would be prepared to let me photograph their ride in decent surroundings.
While car shows are great it's hard to get good photos as you always have other cars and people in the shots. So it would be cool to shoot some cars in a park, abandoned factory etc.
Also I can do light painting as well (used to go and do it in storm drains! and recently did some with a friends 58 Caddy
It won't cost you anything and you will receive a copy of all shots on CD. So if anyone in Melbourne is interested send me a message and we will see what we can do! Very Happy

Number of posts : 44
Age : 51
Location : Frankston , Melbourne
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Points : 56
Registration date : 2010-12-21

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