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Liz Cohen's Trabantiminimo

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Liz Cohen's Trabantiminimo Empty Liz Cohen's Trabantiminimo

Post by andrew666 Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:30 pm

Liz Cohen, who has pretty good bodywork herself and loves to tinker under a bonnet, has developed an adjustable car based on an old East German Trabant.

Liz Cohen's Trabantiminimo Medium_2530696259_651d8b2be1_o
Liz and her new ride

Currently on exhibition at the Salon 94 gallery in New York, by throwing switches on the dashboard, it's possible to automatically extend the length of car to provide a flatbed for carrying materials / bicycles etc. Another switch will raise the suspension on the back wheels and a third switch ejects the passenger seat (no, I made that last one up)

The amazing Liz built the car herself, having bought it on a trip to Berlin in 2002. It only has a two-cylinder engine so it's a little underpowered, but this is art after all.

Here's Liz after having just bought the Trabant, outside the original factory which once produced 30,000 phut-phuts a year:

Liz Cohen's Trabantiminimo 1268322486_Liz_Cohen_Zwickau_Routine_Black_Execution

and here she is with the finished product - including the base part-extended:

Liz Cohen's Trabantiminimo Liz%2BCohen%2B-%2B5540_6-hood


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Registration date : 2010-08-30

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