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Hellions of Troy

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Hellions of Troy Empty Hellions of Troy

Post by andrew666 Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:57 pm

Hot rods with pins is how roller derby, the US's fastest growing sport, is often described but how does it feel to be Mathundra Storm, one of the Hellions of Troy? "It’s a multi-leveled, interdependant relationship where I’m constantly evolving," she says philosophically, "I’m very aware of what physical activity does for my serotonin levels. After practice I always feel better about my life."

Hellions of Troy Hellions_logo

But what is it that attracts her most to the sport? "I love preparing for battle with face paint, putting on my designed helmet, biting on my mouth guard; add roller skates and fishnet stockings in the equation and you’ve got aggression, attitude and fun," she explains, "Sometimes I stop and look around at practice and just enjoy being among all these edgy, forward-thinking characters."

Hellions of Troy Roller-derby-calendar1

Sports analyst Mary Ann Lynch adds the following insight: "Roller derby today is a legitimate sport, an intense, rigorous game of skill,strategy, athleticism, determination, and passionate emotional and physical commitment on the part of all involved, from the players, coaches, refs, backers, sponsors, supporters,and audiences to the media that is now a significant part of spreading the word about this stellar, heart-pounding international sport."

Hellions of Troy Original-galaxy-apart-af

This sport's got attitude and you can watch it here:


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Registration date : 2010-08-30

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