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World's greatest hot rod

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World's greatest hot rod Empty World's greatest hot rod

Post by andrew666 Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:24 am

What's the world's greatest hot rod?

How about this sleek 33 Ford?

World's greatest hot rod Red33


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World's greatest hot rod Empty Re: World's greatest hot rod

Post by mudflap Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:40 pm

thats too pretty for me

I prefer a more traditional style car

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World's greatest hot rod Empty Re: World's greatest hot rod

Post by Harry Palms Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:41 am

Thats a neat contempory contempory lowboy hotrod, these are the cars that keep the everyday non trad rod related Jo's interested in old cars.

My inspirations for my own 30's coupe were Clarence "chilli" Cattalo's LIL DEUCE COUPE built by the ALEXANDER BROTHERS and finished by BARRIS that appeared on the BEACH BOYS / LIL DEUCE COUPE ALBUM cover and Don Vargo's 69er also by the "A Bro's" , so with that in mind you can get my drift where i'm at.
I even dig early streetrods set on a deep rake, 70-80's style beaters, resto rods and the early stuff.

Harry Palms

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World's greatest hot rod Empty Re: World's greatest hot rod

Post by hewey Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:17 am

Far from it! Looks too plain, its neat for sure, but it doesnt have that 'wow factor' Suspect

The Trepanier built '36 sure does though, and you know it will be built to be driveable too. cheers A guy I know got to check it out in person and he got some pics.

Carps wrote:So, you think your ride has some trick parts, clever design and is finished to the highest standard. WRONG!
I read the hyperbole abot the 'Trepanier '36 coupe' in all the magazines and thought, "Yeah sure, it's just another show car." Well now that I've seen it up close, I'm here to tell you that words cannot describe this car, it is simply stunning and it's 100% drivable. I know.... I watched it blasting around the fairgrounds.

Check out this pic and you'll easily seee the car has a standard of panel fit and perfection of finish that I never thought possible.

World's greatest hot rod Trepprofile

Seeing it displayed with two wheels removed and a couple of mirrors underneath doesn't really reveal the detail. You've got to stand under the car and look close up to see that there is not one visible fastener anywhere on the entire car. Those that are not completely concealed are hidden with custom machined covers and all the chassis parts are fitted and finished to the same standard of perfection as the body work.

What makes it extra special is the different surface finishes and textures that bring each component to life and integrate the parts into a single whole.

Here's the front suspension. Notice how the steering shaft is connected to a completey concealed steering rack.

World's greatest hot rod Trepfrtsusp

Engine and transmission. Note how the mounts and plumbing are concealed and the engine oil pan, bellhousing cover and trans pan integrate as one unit.

World's greatest hot rod Treptrans

How about the drive-shaft and differential?

World's greatest hot rod Trepdiff

Or the rear suspension.

World's greatest hot rod Treprearsusp

I stood under this car for a long time studying how it was done and I still haven't figured it out.

Sure it probably did cost bucketloads of money, but it was built by a crew who have a rep for building reliable drivers. I'd suggest it's gunna be a tough job to top it, no matter how much money is spent.

Number of posts : 412
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World's greatest hot rod Empty Re: World's greatest hot rod

Post by Harry Palms Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:58 am

troys come a long way with his cars but then he always was at the forefront.

Harry Palms

Number of posts : 76
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World's greatest hot rod Empty Re: World's greatest hot rod

Post by PaulG Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:51 am

Im gonna stay out of this debate as ive seen them turn sour. But I will say that the beauty of Hot Rodding is that it is so diverse and there is something for everyone, everyone has their different favorite and each of them is nothing like the other. Smile


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World's greatest hot rod Empty Re: World's greatest hot rod

Post by hep Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:36 pm

I'm gonna say I dont like it, not my taste, but horses for courses - keep in mind also that I'm a regular on the HAMB! Very Happy

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