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1951 Pontiac Bar

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1951 Pontiac Bar Empty 1951 Pontiac Bar

Post by Flathead Kustoms Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:31 pm

So I've started turning our pool/ entertaining area into a hot rod/ kustom kulture themed area lately. But I didnt have a bar, and every good entertaining area needs a bar, right? So, I thought about making a tiki bar, but I dont know if I'd have the skill to pull it off (never done a tiki carving etc yet) and I had this 1951 Pontiac firewall/ front cut at home that came with my 50 Pontiac sedan project as a sort of 'parts car'. So I got to thinking it might serve me better as my bar...
I started with this:
1951 Pontiac Bar Ca14b7ff
Which progressed to this:
1951 Pontiac Bar B702d780
And now currently looks like this:
1951 Pontiac Bar A2b732aa
1951 Pontiac Bar A80a6140
1951 Pontiac Bar 8f3428de
1951 Pontiac Bar 8524c7f6

Still to be done is the sound system with the speakers in the air duct holes, some 12v lighting, a Zephyr sun visor, pinstriping on the dash and visor, some shelves and a number plate floor. Then it will be on to turning the rear cut into a lounge suite....
Flathead Kustoms
Flathead Kustoms

Number of posts : 170
Age : 45
Location : Morayfield Qld
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Registration date : 2008-10-24!/profile.php?id=590892637

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1951 Pontiac Bar Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac Bar

Post by hewey Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:43 pm

Looks great! Love it

Number of posts : 412
Reputation : 26
Points : 442
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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1951 Pontiac Bar Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac Bar

Post by PaulG Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:43 pm

Cool Man!! Very Creative!


Number of posts : 187
Reputation : 3
Points : 154
Registration date : 2009-01-14

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1951 Pontiac Bar Empty Re: 1951 Pontiac Bar

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