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rear engine

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rear engine Empty rear engine

Post by floppyballs Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:12 am

after going to wintersun i woke up this morning thinking it would be a little different to build a rear engine/ mid engine
hot rod. maybe small block, porsche trans axle spun end for end and upsidedown and some weird IRS setup.

my question is how far can you go before it it not called a hot rod for rego. im not a memember of the ASRF but think someone might know.
i think it can be done a an individually constructed vehicle but that costs $$$$$$$
cheers floppy


Number of posts : 4
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Registration date : 2010-03-08

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rear engine Empty Re: rear engine

Post by hewey Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:29 pm

What state you in? That's the first question Wink (and geographically, not level of intoxication!). Also depends if you're going for full rego or club rego too. If you're fair dinkum you're gonna need a nice engineer too!

Heres some pics to get your dreams runnin
rear engine 2092767603_8814f5ba00
rear engine 2092767587_4c35de355b
rear engine 2093545930_be0b1ee498
rear engine Foose-coupe---starti-7_460x0w
rear engine Picture

Number of posts : 412
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Registration date : 2008-11-03

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rear engine Empty rear engine

Post by floppyballs Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:18 am

Im in queensland and would just want club rego. i would build a pick up and im fair dinkim.......

hewey wrote:What state you in? That's the first question Wink (and geographically, not level of intoxication!). Also depends if you're going for full rego or club rego too. If you're fair dinkum you're gonna need a nice engineer too!

Heres some pics to get your dreams runnin
rear engine 2092767603_8814f5ba00
rear engine 2092767587_4c35de355b
rear engine 2093545930_be0b1ee498
rear engine Foose-coupe---starti-7_460x0w
rear engine Picture


Number of posts : 4
Reputation : 1
Points : 9
Registration date : 2010-03-08

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rear engine Empty Re: rear engine

Post by Harry Palms Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:59 pm

To make your hotrod rego idea feasible i believe you need to base your rear engine concept idea's around a set of pre-1948 chassis rails.

Theres a neat early ford improved A 30-31 P.U. that is pretty lrighteous in black with flames in the states it uses a V dub mill and transaxle, then theres a few with mid-mounted wrx suburu setups around but i can't remember the site i viewed em on, either way expect to $pend $$.

Kent Fuller built the Volksrod T-Buckets in the early 70's then he sold those rights to Andy Brizio who after building a number of units 20-50 sold all the tooling to Speedy Bill at Speedway Motors who didn't sell all that many before ceasing production.

Last edited by Harry Palms on Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more to the point.)

Harry Palms

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rear engine Empty Re: rear engine

Post by vnt106 Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:11 pm


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rear engine Empty Re: rear engine

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