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bit of an intro..

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bit of an intro.. Empty bit of an intro..

Post by tiny_t Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:59 pm

hi there guys and girls, my names tyson but since im a big fella they all call me tiny (i know not very orginal lol) im form melbourne, victoria and have been into cars/bikes and anything with an engine for as long as i can remember. im currently buying a new house so the car/bike building is on hold for the moment but once we are settled im gonna start on a diesel powered pickup 40s/50s inspired rig so should keep me busy for a while. anyway just thought id say hi and with a bit of luck mite make some new mates around here Smile


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Registration date : 2013-02-18

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bit of an intro.. Empty Re: bit of an intro..

Post by Coop Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:14 am

When ya ready to build that rig get onto OZRODDERS.COM, they'll fill you in with the do's and don't's. Or look up ya topic on the H.A.M.B.
I learnt earlier on that the mechanical knowledge the majority of posers and wannabillies here had, revolved around the brain power needed when putting fresh batteries in a electric toothbrush.


Number of posts : 3
Location : planet earth
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Points : 3
Registration date : 2013-03-16

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