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1930 Tudor

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1930 Tudor Empty 1930 Tudor

Post by Matt Mon May 21, 2012 8:35 am


Genuine 1930 Ford Tudor (all steel)
Chopped 5 inches, Channeled 5 inches.
Boxed original model A chassis.
Holden 308, custom triple carb manifold.
Holden T5 5spd g/box.
Model A radiator.
Gemini booster/falcon M/Cyl
Commodore calipers F & R
Falcon Rotors F & R
B/Warner diff 2.98 ratio.
16" whitewall firestones F & R.
White steeles with chrome hubcaps. Early ford pattern.
Custom metalflake tangarine paint.
White longhair interior.
Genuine 50's moon fuel tank.
Dodge phoenix speedo.
Colapsable steering column
Pinstriping by Smiths Kustoms.

Full NSW rego till July 2012: LOW 030
$50000 neg

Matt: 0402475379
Tony: 02 49616722

1930 Tudor IMG_3106
1930 Tudor IMG_3116
1930 Tudor IMG_3118
1930 Tudor IMG_3119
1930 Tudor IMG_3123
1930 Tudor IMG_3130
1930 Tudor IMG_3141
1930 Tudor IMG_3150
1930 Tudor P1060337
1930 Tudor P1060338
1930 Tudor P1060340

Number of posts : 8
Location : Newcastle, NSW
Reputation : 0
Points : 14
Registration date : 2011-10-24

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