Rockabilly & Kustom Kulture Australia
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Chops's Place - Bikes, Hot Rods, Kustom Kulture & More !!!

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Chops's Place - Bikes, Hot Rods, Kustom Kulture & More !!! Empty Chops's Place - Bikes, Hot Rods, Kustom Kulture & More !!!

Post by chops Tue May 08, 2012 3:11 am

G'day Crew,

I've been on here for a while.. and can't remember if I'd done an intro in to my website... "Chops's Place" -

The main features are the Photos/Albums full of local and national events and also the National Events Calendar .. plus others of my travels around this planet..!!!

I also do my best to support events in Aus.. and local business's..!!!

There's an online store.. which helps support the website.. and is full of heaps of KOOL gear..!

Plus 'The Grease Pit' community Forum.. for all things relative to the site.. and a little bit more..!!!

There's a heap of stuff on there.. to get lost in..!!

Please enjoy..

Jamie (Chops) Day

Number of posts : 7
Age : 49
Location : Brisbane, Qld
Reputation : 0
Points : 11
Registration date : 2011-07-05

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