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Stefan Banica - the King of Transylvanian Rock'n'Roll

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Stefan Banica - the King of Transylvanian Rock'n'Roll Empty Stefan Banica - the King of Transylvanian Rock'n'Roll

Post by andrew666 Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:08 pm

Probably the best known face on Romanian television, Stefan Banica is also a one-man rock'n'roll circus who has topped the Romanian charts routinely for the last twenty-five years:

He first hit the bright lights at the tail end of the crumbling Ceaucescu regime with a movie called Rock'n'Roll Teenagers. Though immensely popular and playing to packed theatres, it attracted opprobrium from the established press with Stefan being accused of promoting improper thoughts in young, impresionable girls:

After the fall of the regime, Stefan's career went from strength-to-strength with movie appearances (he was in Life is Beautiful), theatre, TV - including Romania's top cop programme and of course radio:

Your ipod collection is never complete unless you have a Stefan Banica track tucked in there somewhere. This one's a favourite of mine:


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