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Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia

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Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia Empty Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia

Post by couillederat Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:46 am

Hello everybody !

We are a 26 years old french couple , living near Paris. We love rockabilly, 50s and 40s music, and having good r'n r parties and festivals in Paris.
I am a journalist in a French videogame Magazine, and my wife work in a college as a supervisor.

We decided to plan a trip to go to Australia for a year to improve our english, to discover your amazing country, and to meet lot of people of course.

If everything is ok with the Working Holiday Visas, we will land in Novembre in Adelaide.

We hope that we will find good places for rockabilly culture in Australia, and still live our passion.

(sorry for my english, i try to do my best... ) Very Happy

Number of posts : 1
Reputation : 0
Points : 3
Registration date : 2011-07-14

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Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia Empty Re: Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia

Post by hewey Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:47 am


Number of posts : 412
Reputation : 26
Points : 442
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia Empty Re: Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia

Post by kittyjukebox Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:09 am



Number of posts : 6
Age : 40
Reputation : 0
Points : 6
Registration date : 2011-06-07

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Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia Empty Re: Hi there! Some French Rockabilly addicts, soon in Australia

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