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Pinup Patriettes

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Pinup Patriettes Empty Pinup Patriettes

Post by andrew666 Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:40 am

The Pinup Patriettes are a group of performance artists from Arizona who recreate the forties lifestyle in the form of a singing tribute, clothing and style and by supporting retro-military events such as the annual Legends over Colorado. You can become friends with them here:

The current Patriettes are co-founders Jillian "Mamarazzi" Danielson (photographer) and Dolly Marlowe(model/performer) and the current team also features models Miss Lainey Belle, Miss Priscilla, and Miss Kandy LaRue

Pinup Patriettes 40506_147611611926579_115267705160970_326709_3284864_n_thumb


Number of posts : 266
Reputation : 4
Points : 700
Registration date : 2010-08-30

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