Rockabilly & Kustom Kulture Australia
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got the past on my mind, brain, and blood! a cat story .... Phantom and the Rawdidowdiones .. Order hahaha

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got the past on my mind, brain, and blood! a cat story .... Phantom and the Rawdidowdiones .. Order hahaha  Empty got the past on my mind, brain, and blood! a cat story .... Phantom and the Rawdidowdiones .. Order hahaha

Post by IllMaestro Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:38 am

Hallo und schönen guten Tag Australien,

its 9:08 am and yo have it 17:08 in Sydney. sunny
Ive got a great time when i listen to some rockabilly music, i love the lights of Hasil Adkins, Charlie Feathers, Andy Starr, Batmobile, Gene Vincent, Pike Cavalero, the Coasters, Crazy Cavan,Bloodshot Bill,the Quakes, Renato Carosone, JD McPerson, Lewis&Co. ... listen to them make my hart go boom boom
to show some of our own cheese:
a downer with bolt realiy background...
so hop on cats & greetz ...
would like to rock Tasmanien... like the sound of that Rock Tasmanien

Last edited by IllMaestro on Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : made mistakesss)


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Registration date : 2011-12-17

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