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Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012

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Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 Empty Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012

Post by Randy Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:02 am

Just to let anyone in the Sydney Metro area know, Rat Day is held on the Corner of Box rd and Taren Point rd, Taren Point NSW.

Fathers Day - Sunday 2nd September 2012.

It's usually a pretty kool day, with lots of Rods, a few Market Stalls and lots of Rockabilly peeps.

The best time to go is Mid-morning though, as a lot of them will move on in the early afternoon!


Number of posts : 4
Age : 42
Location : Dean Park
Reputation : 0
Points : 8
Registration date : 2009-12-14

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Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 Empty Re: Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012

Post by Randy Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:49 am

Just thought I would post a few pics from the Rat Day at Taren Point...

Hope you like!

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2910

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2907

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2906

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Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2891

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2884

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2890

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Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2879

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2878

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2874

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2882

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2881

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2902

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2867

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2868

Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 IMG_2865



Number of posts : 4
Age : 42
Location : Dean Park
Reputation : 0
Points : 8
Registration date : 2009-12-14

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Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012 Empty Re: Rat Day - Taren Point NSW Fathers Day 2012

Post by Matt Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:12 am

Looks like it would have been a nice day! I was going to be there myself with my brushes but had a big day on the Sat so didn't make it down. Didn't matter though as i got to spend my first fathers day with my little man!

Number of posts : 8
Location : Newcastle, NSW
Reputation : 0
Points : 14
Registration date : 2011-10-24

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